BR49 Through the "Alsace Bossue" area
Vélo Strasbourg et nord
From Asswiller, the green valley of Eichel leads to Herbitzheim, a village that has an interesting neoclassical-style catholic sanctuary. The village streets that are typical of the «Alsace Bossue» fol-low each other up to Sarre-Union, capital of this region. After Harskirchen, the itine-rary circuit crosses the woods of Bonne Fontaine while bordering the Canal des Houillères of Sarre to reach Wolfskirchen. Not far from there, the pick of Kirchberg, crowned by a singular white chapel, offers a beautiful view over the «Alsace Bossue». The circuit ends in a hilly countryside through pasture landscapes. On the fringe of the circuit, the archaeological site of Dehlingen and the Roman villa of Mackwiller deserve also special attention.