Café des 4 Châteaux

For a drink or a meal, the Café des 4 Châteaux at Fleckenstein offers a south facing terrace with a fine view of the castle and serves hot or cold light dishes, ices and refreshments for small snacks and big thirsts. Special set menus are offered for groups visiting the castle except Sundays and Bank Holidays.

  • Pets allowed : yes
  • Gourmet restaurant : no
  • Alsatian cuisine : yes
  • Tarte flambée : yes
  • Vegetarian : yes
  • Fish : no
  • Gluten-free : yes
Additional information
  • Restaurant prices (in €) :
    • Min. menu : 3
    • Maxi menu : 7,50
  • Payment methods : Credit card, Cheque, Holiday vouchers, Cash
  • Type of restaurant : Fast food
  • Specialities : Alsatian, Flammenkuchen, Vegetarian , Gluten-free
  • Restaurant services and amenities : Takes into account food allergies, Hot food round-the-clock, Snacks, Group reception
  • Languages spoken : French, German, alsacian, English
  • Practical services and amenities : Group reception, Shops /Sale of goods
  • Number of seats :
    • room 1: : 60
    • Total number of covers in the dining room : 60
    • terrace 1: : 50
    • Nombre total de couverts en terrasse: : 50
  • Number of people in group : Mini, Maxi
  • Restaurant facilities : Garden, Terrace
  • Equipment/services for children : Highchair, Baby's bottle warmer, Possibility to heat up baby bottles or baby food
  • Bike equipment and services : Bicycle parking or racks, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches), E-bike charging station

Opening hours and dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please plan accordingly.

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